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Research: Subject Starters

Resource suggestions for research in a variety of disciplines.


Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Arts & Humanities IconArts & Humanities (ProQuest)
Access to 400 contemporary specialist arts titles, including both scholarly peer-reviewed journals and selected trade and consumer titles relevant to applied arts and cultural studies.
ArtStor IconArtStor (ITHAKA)
Images from some of the world’s leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists in one easily-navigated repository. Content includes art, architecture, religion, anthropology, fashion, world history, and more.
EBSCO Communication Source IconCommunication Source (EBSCO)
A complete full-text research database for communication studies, including topics such as media studies, linguistics, speech pathology, rhetoric, and discourse.
Grove Music Online IconGrove Music Online (Oxford University Press)
More than 50,000 articles on composers, performers, conductors, instruments and notation, forms and genres, and individual works. Access includes companion resources including The Oxford Dictionary of Music and The Oxford Companion to Music.
EBSCO Flipster IconFlipster (EBSCO)
Flipster provides user-friendly, browsable access to popular magazines from a variety of publishers, including several art & design titles, such as Art Forum and Aperture.
EBSCO Humanities Source Ultimate IconHumanities Source Ultimate (EBSCO)
A valuable full-text database covering literary, scholarly, and creative thought. It provides access to active full-text journals as well as indexing and abstracts for the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Art: N, including NA for architecture and NC for drawing/illustration/design
  • Music: M
  • Photography: TR
  • Arts & Crafts: TT

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

Extras, Tips, & Titles

PRO TIP: Don't forget all the amazing resources available in our community! The Portland Museum of Art has lots of low-cost or free options for students and their families. Check their site or ask the Library's Circulation Desk for details. And while you're out and about - don't forget to visit local libraries to access their collections and resources, too!



Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
EBSCO Business Source Complete IconBusiness Source Complete (EBSCO)
Indexes and abstracts for more than 4,800 scholarly, trade, popular, and special interest serials in the fields of business and industry.
ProQuest Accounting, Tax, & Banking IconAccounting, Tax, & Banking Collection (ProQuest)
Global and scholarly journals with resources for results covering current news and topics, as well as the trends and history influencing accounting and tax issues.
ProQuest Econ Lit IconEconLit (ProQuest)
Economic literature including accounting, capital markets, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, and urban economics.
ProQuest Entrepreneurship IconEntrepreneurship (ProQuest)
Content ranges from the scholarly - including journals, dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings - to a full toolkit of practical guides, templates, forms, sample business plans and tips.
EBSCO Small Business Source IconSmall Business Source (EBSCO)
Exclusive full text for many small business reference books, as well as tools to understand a wide variety of small business topics. The database includes business videos, case studies, help and advice, a start-up kit and tips for writing business plans.
EBSCO Legal Information Source IconLegal Information Source (EBSCO)
Designed to assist the public in understanding the complex world of law and legal matters of all kinds, this database includes exclusive full text for many top consumer legal reference books, as well as thousands of legal forms.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Commerce: HF
  • Economics: HB & HC
  • Finance: HG
  • Law: K, including KF for US Law

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • Small Business Administration: .gov sites are a reliable way to use the open web. The SBA provides users with information and procedures on planning and starting a new business.
  • Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce: A local chamber is a great way to make connections, learn about local initiatives, and access more training and education.
  • Reuters Business & Finance: Business & finance move quickly! A syndication service like Reuters provides quick, centralized, and reliable access to breaking news. There are many other syndication services, like the AP, that may also be useful.
Extras, Tips, & Titles

FRIENDLY ADVICE: Business is a VERY broad topic! While the resources provided here may be enough to get started, don't be afraid to include content for the type of business you are researching, whether it's culinary, health care, information technology, or anything in between.



Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Education Journals IconEducation Database (ProQuest)
Access to over 900 top educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text. The coverage spans the literature on primary, secondary and higher education as well as special education, home schooling and adult education.
EBSCO Professional Development CollectionProfessional Development Collection (EBSCO)
Professional Development Collection is a highly specialized database of full-text electronic information especially for educators, professional librarians and education researchers.
EBSCO & US Gov's ERIC IconERIC: Education Resource Information Center (US Gov/EBSCO)
Indexes and abstracts journal articles and documents on education research and practice, from 1966 to the present. Updated monthly. This link uses EBSCO's interface and search tools. To access content directly from the US Dept. of Education, click here.
EBSCO Teacher Reference Center IconTeacher Reference Center (EBSCO)
Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for more than 270 periodicals. Topics include: assessment, best practices, continuing education, elementary education, higher education, instructional media, administration, and teacher education.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Education: L, including LB for theory & practice
  • Psychology: BF
  • Neuroscience & Psychiatry: RC
  • Social Science: HQ, includes child development

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • US Department of Education: The Dept. of Ed. is more than just financial aid info! You can search at the federal level for info on laws and policy, or you can search for state department pages, like Maine's, or local school department pages, like Portland's.
  • National Education Association: Large professional organizations or unions, like the NEA, provide info on issues ranging from racial justice to education funding. You can also access content specific to early childhood education.
  • Smithsonian for Educators: If you're ready to make the leap from theory to practice, many museums and institutions, like the Smithsonian, provide sample lesson plans and other educator resources to help you get started in the classroom.
Extras, Tips, & Titles
PRO TIP: Database providers let you search by individual publications! It's a great way to shortcut straight to favorites like YC: Young Children or Teaching Young Children.

FRIENDLY ADVICE: Education research often crosses lots of subject boundaries. Don't be afraid to use additional resources: look for funding info in economics databases, or child development info in psychology databases. You'll be surprised how many resources you can find!


Health Science

Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Health & Medicine IconHealth & Medical Collection (ProQuest)
This database offers reliable, comprehensive journal coverage of clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, health administration and more.
EBSCO Health Source (Nursing Edition) IconHealth Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO)
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides nearly 540 scholarly full text journals and abstracts and indexing for over 570 journals.
EBSCO Alt HealthWatch IconAlt HealthWatch (EBSCO)
Alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.
ProQuest Public Health IconPublic Health (ProQuest)
teachers, researchers, and professionals. It delivers core public health literature from thousands of publications, much of it in full text. Users can also access current newspaper articles to uncover the latest breaking news pertaining to public health.
A rich collection of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 610 journals indexed in CINAHL®. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo.
PubMed IconPubMed (US Govt)
PubMed Central (U.S. National Library of Medicine) is an archive of free full-text articles from selected biomedical journals. Content is accessed by keyword searching all journals or by browsing individual journals
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • General Medicine: R
  • Nursing: RT
  • Internal Medicine: RC
  • Surgery: RD
  • Therapeutics/Pharmacology: RM

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

Extras, Tips, & Titles

FRIENDLY ADVICE: Keeping up with research and navigating databases will be a big part of a career in health care. Grow your skill set by learning to navigate a variety of these resources now, especially those frequently used in healthcare settings, like CINAHL.



Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Arts & Humanities IconArts & Humanities (ProQuest)
Access to 400 contemporary titles combined with journals from related fields including ethnic studies, women’s studies, cultural studies, and more. Titles include both scholarly peer-reviewed journals and selected trade and consumer titles.
JStor IconJStor (ITHAKA)
Access current and archival journals, as well as primary source documents, through JSTOR's Arts & Sciences I cluster.
ProQuest Linguistics IconLinguistics (ProQuest)
The Linguistics Collection is comprised of index and full-text databases covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
EBSCO Literary Reference Plus IconLiterary Reference Plus (EBSCO)
A complete collection of reference works across all genres and time periods. Thousands of poems, short stories, classic novels, plot summaries, critical analysis essays, literary journals, reference books and author biographies.
ProQuest Social Science IconSocial Science (ProQuest)
This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of disciplines including humanities areas like anthropology and political science.
EBSCO Humanities Source Ultimate IconHumanities Source Ultimate (EBSCO)
A valuable full-text database covering literary, scholarly, and creative thought. It provides access to active full-text journals as well as indexing and abstracts for the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Philosophy: B
  • History: D (World History), E&F (History of the Americas)
  • Anthropology: GN
  • Literature: Organized alphabetically by the author's last name

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • Smithsonian Libraries: Many libraries, including the Smithsonian, make humanities resources available for online use.
  • The American Academy of Arts & Sciences: As an independent research center, the Academy is committed to multidisciplinary, nonpartisan research. Explore their site to learn about projects underway or browse their journal, Daedalus.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities: This .gov site provides information about humanities work underway across the country. Digital access to Humanities Magazine is also available.
Extras, Tips, & Titles

FRIENDLY ADVICE: Looking for visual or performing arts resources? Those areas have their own subject starter! Just scroll up this page to the "Arts & Design" starter. In fact, the humanities can overlap with many disciplines, so don't be afraid to explore resources like the "Social Sciences" subject starter, too.


Life Science

Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Biological Science IconBiological Science Database (ProQuest)
This database provides access to a wide range of biology topics including some of the most popular information resources for users in academic, government and public research environments.
EBSCO Science Reference SourceScience Reference Source (EBSCO)
Science Reference Source provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-quality videos.
EBSCO Environment Complete IconEnvironment Complete (EBSCO)
Coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine science, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, public policy, urban planning, and more.
EBSCO GreenFile IconGreenFile (EBSCO)
GreenFILE provides information on all aspects of human impact to the environment. this collection includes a variety of scholarly, government and general-interest titles.
ProQuest Agriculture Science IconAgriculture Science (ProQuest)
This database contains the leading agricultural journals published in North America, offering complete text as well as complete images from such journals as Agricultural Research, Forest Products Journal, Journal of Animal Science, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation and Plant Physiology.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Biology: QH
  • Microbiology: QR
  • Environmental Science: GE
  • Horticulture: SB

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • Futurity: Futurity is a reliable gateway into current research and scholarly publishing. Access highly readable summaries of current research, most with links to the original studies.
  • NASA: Global Climate Change: NASA is more than outer space! Users are presented with many environmental science resources, including access to Climate Resource Center.
  • PLANTS Database: This USDA-maintained database provides taxonomic, geographic, and habitat information on plants that grow in the US.
Extras, Tips, & Titles
PRO TIP: For those with an interest in the biology, anatomy, and physiology of humans, don't forget to access health & medicine resources for even more information!

FRIENDLY ADVICE: Head out into your local community to see the scientific advances being made in your back yard. The Gulf of Maine Research Institute or The Jackson Laboratory are great places to start.


Physical Science & Applied Technology

Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Science IconScience Database (ProQuest)
A definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text.
EBSCO Applied Science & Technology Source IconApplied Science & Technology Source (EBSCO)
A diverse array of full-text and indexed content covering the full spectrum of the applied sciences and computing disciplines — from acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear engineering.
ProQuest Engineering IconEngineering (ProQuest)
Engineering related full-text articles on technological and engineering innovations going back to 1966. It provides titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.
ProQuest Materials Science IconMaterials Science (ProQuest)
 Featuring content from 1962 to present, the database supports materials science research, covering topics such as metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, and biomaterials and dealing with areas such as corrosion, molding and casting, treatment, recycling, testing, finishing, welding, and forming.
ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace IconAdvanced Technologies & Aerospace (ProQuest)
The Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
AAAS Science IconScience (AAAS)
Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world's top academic journals.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Science: Q, including QC for physics and QD for chemistry
  • Computer Science & Software: QA
  • Engineering: TA
  • Motor Vehicles & Aeronautics: TL

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • Futurity: Futurity is a reliable gateway into current research and scholarly publishing. Access highly readable summaries of current research, most with links to the original studies.
  • National Science Foundation: .gov sites are reliable places to get info on the open web. The NSF provides news, research, and trends from a variety of disciplines, including computer science and engineering
  • Scientific American: Scientific American is one of many popular magazines that discusses scientific trends and research in a casual way, and could inspire your next research project.
Extras, Tips, & Titles

FRIENDLY ADVICE: Research and developments move fast, especially in technological fields. Ask your instructors about which professional organizations and publications in your chosen area are worth joining and/or following online.


Political Science & International Relations

Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Political Science IconPolitical Science (ProQuest)
Access to over 450 leading political science and international relations journals. Also includes thousands of recent political science dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities, as well as country reports and policy papers.
Social Science Database (ProQuest)
This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including political science. This may be an excellent choice for starting inter-disciplinary research projects.
Congress.Gov IconCongress.Gov (US Govt.) is the online database of United States Congress legislative information. is a joint project of the Library of Congress, the House, the Senate and the Government Publishing Office.
Statista IconStatista (Statista)
One of the first statistic portals in the world to integrate data on over 80.000 topics from over 18.000 sources onto a single professional platform. Statista provides direct access to quantitative data from a variety of sources.
Access current and archival political science content, as well as primary source documents, through JSTOR's Arts & Sciences I cluster. The Artstor image collection and the Ecology & Botany collection can be searched via the JSTOR interface, too!
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Political Science: J, including JK for US Political Science
  • International Relations: JZ
  • Law: K, including KF for US Constitution
  • Social Sciences: H

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • World Factbook: The CIA World Factbook is a reference resource produced by the Central Intelligence Agency with almanac-style information about the countries of the world.
  • United Nations: The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, and achieve international cooperation.
  • Pew Research Center: Pew is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Pew is one of MANY DC-based "think tanks" you can explore in your research!
Extras, Tips, & Titles

PRO TIP: Don't limit your IR research to the database options listed above! ProQuest offers several databases with content specific to different global regions. Try using: Australia & New Zealand, Continental Europe, East & Central Europe, East & South Asia, India, Latin America & Iberia, Middle East & Africa, Turkey, and UK & Ireland.


Public Safety & Service

Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Criminal Justice IconCriminal Justice Database (ProQuest)
ProQuest Criminal Justice is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends.
ProQuest Career & Technical Education IconCareer & Technical Education Database (ProQuest)
This database includes nearly 600 titles, with more than 500 available in full text for quick access to research on virtually any technical topic/career, including fire science, criminal justice, and paramedicine.
ProQuest Military Database IconMilitary Database (ProQuest)
This database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering and more.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health IconNursing & Allied Health (ProQuest)
Access to academic journals and other reference content covering all aspects of the nursing profession, from direct patient care to health care administration. This database includes content relevant for those pursuing careers as EMTs or Paramedics.
EBSCO Psycology & Behavioral Sciences IconPsychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO)
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection provides hundreds of full-text psychology journals, including many indexed in PsycINFO. It offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Criminal Justice & Criminology: HV
  • Emergency Medical Services: RA
  • Fire Science (structural): TH
  • Fire Science (forests): SD

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • National Institute of Justice: One of several .gov agency sites worth exploring, the NIJ is dedicated to improving knowledge and understanding of crime and justice issues through science.
  • National Fire Protection Association: The NFPA is an international nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.
  • PubChem: This .gov database provides a wealth of information on chemicals present in a variety of settings. These results are NOT official SDS or MSDS (you can get those from your employer/school), but they provide similar info.
Extras, Tips, & Titles
PRO TIP: A career in public service will mean interacting with the public. Don't be afraid to explore resources covering topics like psychology, behavioral health, or social sciences.

FRIENDLY ADVICE: Serving your community means keeping up with your community. Get to know local newspapers and .gov sites to stay on top of issues impacting your neighborhood.


Social Sciences

Suggested Databases
The suggestions below are a great place to get started, but they aren't the only options! Consider reviewing the content of the "Databases A to Z" list or creating a custom search with one of our database vendors for even more options.
ProQuest Social Science IconSocial Science (ProQuest)
This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines.
EBSCO Psycology & Behavioral Sciences IconPsychology & Behavioral Science Collection (EBSCO)
Hundreds of full-text psychology journals, including many indexed in PsycINFO. It offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
EBSCO Exploring Race in Society IconExploring Race in Society (EBSCO)
Essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. A variety of reliable sources provide provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness.
ProQuest Sociology IconSociology (ProQuest)
Full-text of more than 300 journals in sociology and social work, including international literature of sociology and social work, culture and social structure, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction, and more.
ProQuest CultureGrams IconCultureGrams (ProQuest)
Updated annually, CultureGrams is an insider's perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people.
US Census Bureau IconUS Census - Explore Census Data (US Govt)
Population, housing, economic, and geographic information. The Census Bureau conducts nearly one hundred surveys and censuses every year.
Book Suggestions Web Suggestions

Libray of Congress Seal IconOur materials are organized according to the Library of Congress system. Look for these call numbers when browsing the stacks:


  • Social Science: H, including HM for sociology
  • Psychology: BF
  • Anthropology: GN
  • Political Science: J

Web IconSometimes Google is the answer! There is lots of useful information available on the open web - just do your best to chase info back to the original source, and look for reliable .gov and .edu sites, or content from large, industry-respected providers.

  • American Psychological Association: The APA does more than provide formatting rules. Explore the APA to learn more about current research and trends in the field of psychology.
  • Pew Research Center: Pew is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Pew is one of MANY DC-based "think tanks" you can explore in your research!
  • National Science Foundation: The NSF has a division of social, behavioral, and economic sciences! This independent agency of the United States government that supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fields of science.
Extras, Tips, & Titles

FRIENDLY ADVICE: "Social Science" is a broad family of subjects and topics, and may require your explorations to be broad - especially when you're just getting started. For example, we include history in humanities, economics in business, and political science in its own stand-alone subject starter.


Newspapers & Current Events

Collections via Database
These databases contain large collections of newspapers, usually grouped by region or a specific topic (like business). Use these options to perform broad searches by topic, and are helpful for both breaking news and older reports. Don't forget to take advantage of the many search options and filters available when database searching!
ProQuest US Newsstream ButtonUS Newsstream (ProQuest)
U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.
ProQuest Northeast Newsstream ButtonNortheast Newsstream (ProQuest)
Index to and full text coverage of Northeast regional papers, including five Maine newspapers. Database includes coverage of the Bangor Daily News and the Portland Press Herald.
ProQuest International Newsstream ButtonInternational Newsstream (ProQuest)
Provides the full text of more than 500 U.S. and international news sources. Includes The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and the Times of London, plus hundreds of other news sources and news wires.
ProQuest Global Breaking Newswires ButtonGlobal Breaking Newswires (ProQuest)
In the modern news world, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe. Global Breaking Newswires provides access to the best newswire content available from around the globe.
EBSCO Newspaper Source Plus IconNewspaper Source Plus (EBSCO)
Millions of articles from newspapers and newswires and offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
EBSCO Newswires ButtonNewswires (EBSCO)
Real-time access to world-wide news (30-day rolling archive) from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire.
EBSCO Regional Business News ButtonRegional Business News (EBSCO)
Information provided by these sources covers business, political, economic and other diverse, international news events. This resource contains the most recent 30 days of information from each of these wire sources.
ProQuest Canadian Newsstream ButtonCanadian Newsstream (ProQuest)
This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 190 Canadian newspapers from Canada's leading publishers. Some backfiles date  to the late 1970s.
Individual Titles via Database
These links provide shortcuts to popular titles within the larger databases listed above. These options allow you to focus on a specific, trusted newspaper source, while still using the tools and filters available through database search interfaces. This option is also a great way to search archival content, which isn't always available via a newspaper's website.
ProQuest New York Times ButtonNew York Times (ProQuest)
This is considered the official U.S. newspaper because it publishes the complete text of important documents, speeches and presidential press conferences. Digital coverage dates back to 1980.
ProQuest Washington Post ButtonWashington Post (ProQuest)
The Washington Post is well known for not only in-depth news and analysis of American politics but also insightful coverage of national and international trends and events. Comprehensive coverage back to 1987 is available.
ProQuest Wall Street Journal ButtonWall Street Journal (ProQuest)
The preeminent publication for business news and information on financial markets worldwide. Full-text articles available from 1984 to present.
Individual Titles via Web
These links lead to each newspaper's public website. This is the best way to recreate a "browsing" experience. Scroll through headlines and read the day's news, with the images and layout like a physical newspaper.
New York Times ButtonNew York Times: Student Pass
Login with your SMCC credentials and create an account to receive access to the full NYT website with no pay walls.
Bangor Daily News ButtonBangor Daily News
Login with your SMCC credentials for full site access, with no paywalls.
Portland Press Herald ButtonPortland Press Herald
Contact the Library for username and password information.

Take time to have some fun!

The Library isn't just about research and school work, we offer plenty of resources to help you relax and make the most of your downtime, too. Explore these options or ask a Librarian for more ideas about what to read, try, or learn!

Read Something New
Maine InfoNet via Cloud Library ButtonMaine InfoNet (via CloudLibrary)
Provided by the State of Maine, the Download Library offers eBooks and AudioBooks, with a focus on non-academic titles. Now you're free to read or listen on the go!
MINERVA Catalog ButtonMINERVA Catalog
Use the MINERVA catalog to search SMCC and our network of libraries for fiction, poetry, or drama that interests you. You can also search for audiobooks, music, and movies!
EBSCO Flipster Magazines ButtonFlipster
Flipster provides user-friendly, browsable access to popular magazines from a variety of publishers.
Practice a New Skill
Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center ButtonHobbies & Crafts Source
This database offers detailed how-to instructions and creative ideas for arts & crafts; collecting; games & electronics; model building; home & leisure; needlework; outdoors & nature; and scrapbooking & papercraft.
EBSCO Home Improvement IconHome Improvement Source
Through a collection of comprehensive full-text content, this database provides detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of do-it-yourself home improvement and repair projects.
EBSCO Small Engine Repair SourceSmall Engine Repair Source
This reference database provides detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines, from motorcycles and ATVs to generators and outdoor power equipment.
Relax and Stream a Movie
Kanopy Streaming Films ButtonKanopy
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video service with access to over 30,000 documentaries, indie films, and cinema classics. Watch from your desktop or download apps for mobile, Roku, and AppleTV. Note: You will need to create a user account with your SMCC credentials.