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Library: Articles & Databases

Announcement 11/21/2024: As SMCC prepares to transition to a new email platform and updated email addresses, please continue to use your SMCCME.EDU email address to login and access library resources. Thank you!

Quicksearch Popular Databases

For best results using widgets, make sure you are logged into MySMCC and your browser accepts cookies.

Use the ProQuest Central widget to perform a search of ALL topics covered in our ProQuest databases. Lock Icon: SMCC users only

ProQuest Custom Search Button Use the custom search button to limit your search to specific topics covered by our ProQuest databases.

Use the Academic Search Complete widget to perform a search of many topics covered in our EBSCO databases. Lock Icon: SMCC users only

Academic Search Ultimate

EBSCO Custom Search ButtonUse the custom search button to limit your search to specific topics covered by our EBSCO databases.

Link to Digital Maine LibraryMARVEL is now the Digital Maine Library! Click on the logo to jump to the Digital Maine Library and search databases provided by the State of Maine.

Reference Appointments

Research and Reference Help


Need a little help? Reference & research support from our Librarians is available! You can always email with general questions or appointment requests. You can also make an appointment for a 30 or 60 minute conference by accessing the schedules below.

Students with more flexible schedules are also welcome to drop in during regular business hours.

Online Reference Appointment Button South Portland Appointment Button
Midcoast Appointment Button

Request an Article

Did you find a great article, but it isn't full text? You can request a copy of the article by submitting a full citation of the article to

What's in a full citation? Be sure to include:

  • Author
  • Title
  • Publication
  • Volume & Issue
  • Date
  • Pages


SMCC's article request services are available Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm. Evening and weekend requests will be addressed during regular operating hours.

Databases A to Z

Please be aware most databases in the A to Z list are for SMCC users only. SMCC login and password will be required for access outside the Learning Commons. Lock Icon: SMCC users only

Search by Subject Button

Why Databases?

Databases provide quick access to millions of individual articles drawn from thousands of different publications. If you need the most up-to-the-minute information on a topic, consider searching the databases for content in:

  • Newspapers. They will cover the most current information and provide users with both factual and opinion-based content.
  • Magazines. This is content created to entertain and informs the general reader - no subject area expertise required.
  • Trade Journals. Written for those with knowledge of the given field, trade journals are a great way to locate information on industry trends, professional organizations, and new products or techniques relevant to the field.
  • Academic Journals. These sources will include peer-reviewed articles regarding original scholarly research. They'll describe methodolgy and theory in a way most useful for scholars, professionals, and current students.